Puerto Lempira Surgery Team

* For all photos, you can enlarge them by clicking on them. Press the Left Arrow symbol in the upper left of the screen to return to normal display.

Nearly every year IHS has sent a surgery team to Puerto Lempira.  Besides the surgical photos below, you can also look at more general photos under Puerto Lempira Admin to see where the surgery teams eats, etc.

A typical day of work starts early.  After a bite to eat, off they go.  The hospital is nearly a mile away from the dorm/dining hall area so any transportation is good to have.

HospTransportHere are a few photos of the team at work.

Equip9OR 3240A






OR 0871 Equip0834






These are two of the autoclaves used at the surgery site.


Here the team’s radio operator is receiving patient referral messages from the nearby IHS clinic sites.  These detailed messages makes it easier for the surgery team to assess potential patients from the villages and to arrange for them to be seen by the surgery team.

Radio At Hosp4325A

During spare time, it is fun for team members to be with the local kids.  Many are from local orphanages.


This page is a work in progress.  As we get more good photos, we will add them.