Patuca River

* For all photos, you can enlarge them by clicking on them. Press the Left Arrow symbol in the upper left corner of the screen to return to normal display.

Here is a Map of the region where the Patuca team travels.  They usually start at Wampusirpi and go up river (south-west), often as far as the Yapawas area.  (click on the map to enlarge)


The Patuca River medical/dental team goes to one of the most remote locations IHS travels to.  However, many who go there say it is one of the most rewarding locations they have been to.

Select Patuca article to read a great article about a recent February medical trip on the Patuca River.  It has good info on the trip plus it has some great photos along the way.

Here is a photo of the February 2020 team that made it all happen !

Patuca 2020 Team

(More photos and info will be added to this page so check back later)